Health Guidelines for Portland
The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees at our events. As we prepare for the 33rd ACCT International Conference and Exposition from February 9-12, 2023 in Portland, Oregon, we continue to monitor local, state, and federal regulations related to public health and group gatherings.
Health Guidelines for Attendees of ACCT Conferences and Meetings
COVID-19 and its variants remain present in the population. To help ensure a safe experience for all participants, we recommend the following:
- Vaccination and Testing: We encourage attendees to be vaccinated and/or test before attending public events.
- Stay Home if You’re Sick: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (or any of its variants), please stay home and get tested.
- Close Contact Precautions: If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, follow current guidelines for quarantine and testing.
- Masking: Attendees are encouraged to make an informed decision regarding mask use. While ACCT will not provide masks, we respect individual preferences.
- Hygiene Practices: Cover coughs and sneezes, and wash your hands frequently. Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the venue.
Attendee Waiver
All conference and expo attendees must read and sign the ACCT Attendee Release of Liability Agreement during the registration process. This waiver acknowledges the inherent risks associated with attending public events, including potential exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses. No one will be admitted without a signed waiver. This applies to the main conference and exposition, pre-conference sessions, training courses, meetings, symposiums, and any other affiliated events.
Hotel and Meeting Space Guidelines
The Hyatt Regency at the Oregon Convention Center and the Oregon Convention Center have published their own health and safety guidelines for guests. We encourage attendees to review these policies and stay informed about any updates. ACCT will continue to monitor local and state regulations and make adjustments as needed.
Resources for Attendees
For the latest public health recommendations and event safety guidelines, please reference the following resources:
- For Testing:
- For State of Oregon COVID information / Updates:
- Oregon Health Authority Information:
- Oregon Department of Emergency Management:
- Multnomah County COVID information:
- CDC Information / Guidelines:
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us create a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees. We look forward to seeing you in Portland, OR for the 33rd ACCT International Conference and Exposition!